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2009.06.05. 11:23 Csomán Gábor

Visualisation of President Obama's Cairo speech

"Words are important" says the NYT editorial reflecting on President Obama's speech. The world news are full with commentars, just google it if you haven't read enough.

Reading a longer text always comes to my mind, because this service can help to highlight the main words and ideas of the text. So here is the 150 most frequent words of Obama's Cairo speech.

The 20 most frequent words:


I really like this tool, I couldn't stop playing, so I decided to do the same process to President Kennedy's Berlin speech (1963).


The 20 most frequent words:


Frankly, they don't look alike, but nobody said so. Just two speeches that could be seen as milestones in modern history.



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Címkék: obama kennedy speech visualisation

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